Nox-Rust® 5100
Còn hàng
không áp dụng
Heavy Duty Outdoor Rust Preventive Coating
- Thời gian bảo vệ: 1-3 years unprotected outdoor storage; 3-5 years protected outdoor storage
- Vẻ bề ngoài: Dries as a black, dry, firm film
- Bảo vệ kim loại: Thép; tương thích với kim loại màu
Approvals: Manufactured to Mil-PRF-16173E, Grade 1, Class 1
Designed for outdoor corrosion protection. Ideal for general metal preservation, indoor or outdoor. Use it with or without other barrier covers in domestic and export shipment and storage. Apply Nox-Rust 5100 by dip, spray or brush. Can be handled after 3-6 hours and sets up in 12-24 hours. Remove with solvent/alkaline cleaner.
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Heavy Duty Outdoor Rust Preventive Coating
- Thời gian bảo vệ: 1-3 years unprotected outdoor storage; 3-5 years protected outdoor storage
- Vẻ bề ngoài: Dries as a black, dry, firm film
- Bảo vệ kim loại: Thép; tương thích với kim loại màu
Approvals: Manufactured to Mil-PRF-16173E, Grade 1, Class 1
Designed for outdoor corrosion protection. Ideal for general metal preservation, indoor or outdoor. Use it with or without other barrier covers in domestic and export shipment and storage. Apply Nox-Rust 5100 by dip, spray or brush. Can be handled after 3-6 hours and sets up in 12-24 hours. Remove with solvent/alkaline cleaner.
Số lượng chứng khoán OneSource:
- Pail: 10170
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