OrthoBlast MB02
Còn hàng
- Công tắc cửa an toàn
- Găng tay thay thế hạng nặng
- Big window
- LED lighting
Thương hiệu:
OrthoBlast MB02 by FerroECOBlast® Surface treatment machine for implant surface roughening. Intended for manual blasting of small batches or to repair individual implants. The machine features all the necessary functions for safe work. Combined with the OrthoblastBGRU(i/p) blasting generator it offers different blasting modes and recycling options.
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- Model: OrthoBlast MB02
- Dimensions (L x W x H): 2005mm x 1160mm x 2188mm
- Workspace size (L x W x H): 850mm x 850mm x 1000mm
- Work piece dimensions: 150mm x 150mm x 300mm
- Weight: 900kg
- Power Supply: 3x380V 50Hz 1kW