Thiết bị phun bi xử lý về mặt

ABRASIVE BLASTER BLASTRAC EBE 500S Power Consumption: 18kW/35A Recommended Abrasive: Shot 390-460/ SG18-16-14 Drive Speed: 0-30 m/min Rate Flow: 14m2/h Blastrac 500S is an hydraulic-driven steel blast cleaning machine. With its 500mm working width and increased productivity, the 500S will reduce time on the job and maintenance costs. The Blastrac 500S steel blast cleaning machine…

Quạt công nghiệp

AIR COOLER An air cooler (aftercooler) is a mechanical heat exchanger designed to remove the heat and moisture of compression from a compressed air stream so the air is cool and dry enough for use in air-operated equipment. TYPE EQUIPMENT AIR COOLED AFTER COOLER ABAC-200/PN 800 CFM Rated Flow 22.7 Nm3/min Pressure 0.4~1.3 Mps Power…

Máy Làm Mát Không Khí ABAC-200/ 800 CFM

AIR COOLER AFTER COOLER ABAC-200 / 800CFM Rated Flow: 22.7 Nm3/min Pressure: 0.4~1.3 Mps Power: 4.0kW Dew Point: 9°C USAGE Purify and air-cool compressed air.   APPLICATION Agricultural facilities supporting a high-temperature factory, central air conditioning supplying and processing fresh air, … ADVANTAGES Desired temperature and humidity: The fan works on the principle of natural…

Máy Hút K-V8

SUCTION MACHINE K-V8 SUCTION MACHINE K – V8 Recovery Rate: 3-4 tons/hr Power Supply: 75kW or 90kW Air Flow: 450mmHg The way of general abrasive reclaiming not only consumes power but time as well. However, vacuum cleaner is the most economic, efficient and fast way to clean. K-V8 vacuum cleaner has been developed, which is…

Thuê thiết bị

INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL Quality Rentals to get you moving VIVABLAST is your shop for renting heavy equipment, allowing you to rent quality machines with timely service (including online ordering and delivery) and exceptional after-sales support, so you can back to the activity that drives your business. Dehumidifier Vacuum Dust Collector  Gama Spraying Abrasive Blaster Compressor…