Nox-Rust® VCI Powder 1000SF Pouch Emitter

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Nox-Rust® 1000SF Pouch EmitterMetals Protected: Ferrous Silica-free, water-soluble powder for protecting equipment during storage, lay-up, or hydrostatic testing. Nox-Rust® 1000SF Pouch Emitter Each 8” x 11” pouch contains Nox-Rust® 1000SF powder to protect up to 900 cubic feet of enclosed space. Put it inside boilers, tanks, void spaces inside vessels, turbines, and steam or condensate pipelines. The breathable polyethylene sealed bag is able to diffuse slowly, protecting ferrous metals during extended periods of equipment inactivity, during storage, or lay-up.   Protection time: 24 months.

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Nox-Rust® 1000SF Pouch EmitterMetals Protected: Ferrous

Silica-free, water-soluble powder for protecting equipment during storage, lay-up, or hydrostatic testing.

Nox-Rust® 1000SF Pouch Emitter

Each 8” x 11” pouch contains Nox-Rust® 1000SF powder to protect up to 900 cubic feet of enclosed space.

Put it inside boilers, tanks, void spaces inside vessels, turbines, and steam or condensate pipelines.

The breathable polyethylene sealed bag is able to diffuse slowly, protecting ferrous metals during extended periods of equipment inactivity, during storage, or lay-up.


Protection time: 24 months.


OneSource stock nr: 10501Nox-Rust-1000SF-VCI-Powders

Within the oil, gas, and shipping industry globally – together with its partners, Onesource offers cost- effective solutions within preservation using our manufactured flame-retardants and our partner Daubert Cromwell VCI Preservation products, maintenance, construction, shipment, and more. Onesource also supplies a wide range of products within corrosion protection, lubricants, bolts, gaskets, and more.

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