• Protection Time: 1-5 years stored indoors in a sealed system
  • Appearance: Clear to tinted odorless liquid
  • Metal Protection: continuous protection for ferrous metals, compatible with copper and galvanized steel
VCI liquid 1200 is a water solution. It is a silica-free, volatile corrosion inhibitor (VCI) solution designed to protect the interior metal surfaces of enclosed systems, such as boilers, tanks, turbines, heat exchangers, and steam or condensate pipelines. This is particularly useful during extended periods of equipment inactivity, during storage or lay-up, or during and after hydrostatic testing. The chemical formulation provides continuous long and short-term corrosion protection for ferrous metals and compatible with copper and galvanized steel. This specially-engineered VCI prevents corrosion on metal surfaces in both vapor and contact phases. The volatile component is attracted to the metal surface above the water line and forms a molecular barrier against oxidation, so even the most difficult to reach recesses are protected.

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  • Protection Time: 1-5 years stored indoors in a sealed system
  • Appearance: Clear to tinted odorless liquid
  • Metal Protection: continuous protection for ferrous metals, compatible with copper and galvanized steel

VCI liquid 1200 is a water solution. It is a silica-free, volatile corrosion inhibitor (VCI) solution designed to protect the interior metal surfaces of enclosed systems, such as boilers, tanks, turbines, heat exchangers, and steam or condensate pipelines. This is particularly useful during extended periods of equipment inactivity, during storage or lay-up, or during and after hydrostatic testing. The chemical formulation provides continuous long and short-term corrosion protection for ferrous metals and compatible with copper and galvanized steel. This specially-engineered VCI prevents corrosion on metal surfaces in both vapor and contact phases. The volatile component is attracted to the metal surface above the water line and forms a molecular barrier against oxidation, so even the most difficult to reach recesses are protected.


OneSource Stock nr Nox-Rust 1200DC:

Pail: 10220

Drum: 10221


Within the oil, gas, and shipping industry globally – together with its partners, Onesource offers cost- effective solutions within preservation using our manufactured flame-retardants and our partner Daubert Cromwell VCI Preservation products, maintenance, construction, shipment, and more. Onesource also supplies a wide range of products within corrosion protection, lubricants, bolts, gaskets, and more.

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