Triflex JWS

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  • Exceptional waterproofing for concrete joints.
  • Resists chemical and environmental stress.
  • High flexibility to accommodate structural movement.
  • Ideal for car parks, bridges, and industrial floors.
  • Easy and efficient application.


Triflex JWS: Waterproofing of waterproof concrete joints according to waterproofing guideline The waterproof-concrete construction method has been used in a range of practical applications for decades. In addition to underground car parks, waterproof-concrete is also used to build roofs and components that are in contact with soil – often including subsequent greening. Although this construction method has proven effective, damage can still often be seen today at recurring weak points, which include the construction and settlement joints of the individual components as well as the penetrations. Triflex JWS is a fleece-reinforced waterproofing system for concrete joints, and is used specifically in new builds and in the refurbishment of white tanks. The system design consisting of high-quality PMMA resins is resistant to hydrolysis and roots and rhizomes in accordance with FLL specifications, and can also be used in areas in contact with soil. .

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  • Waterproofing Expertise: Designed specifically for concrete joints to prevent water damage.
  • Flexibility: Can accommodate structural movement, reducing the risk of cracking.
  • Versatile Application: Suitable for a wide range of applications, including car parks and industrial floors.
Triflex est le premier spécialiste européen des produits d'étanchéité liquides et des plastiques à froid. Nos systèmes de haute qualité offrent des solutions fiables et durables pour l’imperméabilisation des toits, des balcons et des parkings.

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