Non-Drying, Solvent-Free, Removable Coating

  • Temps de protection : Up to 5 years indoors; 2 years outdoors, covered
  • Apparence: Blue, grease-like, thixotropic liquid
  • Protection Métal : Ferrous metal equipment and fabricated parts
  • Approbations : RoHS; CAT 1E4973
Nox-Rust 1150 is a solvent-free, self-healing rust inhibitor coating that protects unpainted machinery in shipping crates without smearing or waiting for it to cure. Exposed metal that is protected with Nox-Rust 1150 can be packaged immediately, which improves the speed of handling and reduces cost of labor. The solvent-free, thixotropic coating sets up quickly, stays soft and grease-like and is self-healing. Corrosion protection lasts up to 5 years indoors. Remove by pressure wash or simply wiping off with a cloth in some applications. Ideal for fabricated metals packed in wood crates, on pallets, in corrugated and other acidic packaging that can cause corrosion.

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Au sein de l'industrie pétrolière, gazière et maritime à l'échelle mondiale, en collaboration avec ses partenaires, Onesource propose des solutions rentables en matière de préservation en utilisant nos produits ignifuges manufacturés et les produits de préservation, de maintenance, de construction, d'expédition de notre partenaire Daubert Cromwell VCI, et plus encore. Onesource fournit également une large gamme de produits en matière de protection contre la corrosion, de lubrifiants, de boulons, de joints, etc.

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