OrthoBlast AB01

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  • Rotating table Ø400 mm
  • Adjustable RPM on the turntable
  • 10” HMI screen
  • Industry 4.0 (remote monitoring via smartphone app)
  • Vertical nozzle manipulator, stroke 300 mm, or
  • ABB IRB 1200 Robot arm
  • Synchronized rotating table with IRB 1200 Robot arm
  • Ex-proof
  • Gants remplaçables robustes
  • Interrupteur de sécurité de porte
Surface treatment machine for implant surface roughening, enabling an automated and repeatable process for each implant. The repeatability is ensured by the controlled nozzle motion of either the vertical manipulator or the robotic arm and enhanced by the RPM-adjustable motor-driven turntable.All processing parameters can be set and monitored via a large 10” touch display, which also allows Industry 4.0 connectivity through a smartphone app. Combined with the OrthoblastBGRU(i/p) blasting generator it offers different blasting modes and recycling options.

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  • Model: OrthoBlast AB01
  • Dimensions (L x W x H): 2005mm x 1160mm x 2188mm
  • Workspace size (L x W x H): 850mm x 850mm x 1000mm
  • Work piece dimensions: 150mm x 150mm x 300mm
  • Weight: 900kg
  • Power Supply: 3x380V 50Hz 1kW
FerroECOBlast est un développeur leader de solutions et producteur de machines pour les technologies de traitement de surface

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