DentalBlast by FerroEcoBlast® is a line of fully automated machines for the surface treatment of dental implants that represents the most advanced line of automated solutions from FerroECOBlast, an indispensable partner in the field of surface treatment with more than 57 years of tradition and constant development. With its fully automated surface treatment, the DentalBlast line ensures an evenly treated dental implant and thus the perfect substrate for optimal bone growth, ensuring a better quality of life for the end-user.


  • Mold remediation
  • General facility cleaning and maintenance
  • Power generation facilities
  • Fire restoration
  • Historical restoration
  • Comprehensive facility cleaning during shutdowns
  • Food and beverage facilities
  • Oil and gas facilities


The dental implant industry is constantly advancing, improving techniques and materials. One critical element, when it comes to optimal osteointegration – the process that enables bone to grow tightly connected to the implant – is the implant’s surface roughness. The DentalBlast line stems from decades of experience and research and offers a world-class experience when it comes to surface treatment. With automatic processes that enable unprecedented ease of use, precision and repeatability, DentalBlast by FerroECOBlast® will always have your surface treatment needs covered.

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FerroECOBlast est un développeur leader de solutions et producteur de machines pour les technologies de traitement de surface

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