Belzona 4341

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  • Excellent chemical resistance against a range of hot inorganic acids
  • Meets USDA requirements to provide safe and hygienic surfaces with no tainting of foodstuffs
  • Easy to mix and apply with no specialist tools
  • Réduction des risques pour la santé et la sécurité car il est sans solvant
  • Application et durcissement à température ambiante – aucun travail à chaud n’est nécessaire
  • Excellent bonding to all rigid substrates including concrete, fiberglass, brick, stainless steel, mild steel and carbon steel


A durable, 2-part epoxy barrier coating optimised for resistance to hot inorganic acids such as sulphuric and hydrochloric acid up to 90°C (194°F). This solvent-free coating isolates concrete and metal surfaces from deteriorating chemical environments. Belzona 4341 (Magma CR4) provides a safe and hygienic surface which meets the USDA requirements for incidental food contact. It is easy to mix and apply without the need of specialist tools and cures at room temperature.

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  • Chemical resistant coating for acid retaining walls, tanks, chemical spill areas, concrete tank plinths and pumps
  • Sealing of chemical drains, channels, transfer and holding areas
  • Protection of concrete pump bases and casings from chemical spill
  • Creation of slip resistant walkways in chemical containment areas when combined with aggregate
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Spécialisée dans la conception et la fabrication de matériaux composites de réparation et de revêtements protecteurs pour machines, équipements, bâtiments et structures, Belzona offre la solution à une large gamme de problèmes d'ingénierie et de situations de réparation.

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