Belzona 1341

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  • Improved efficiency of pumps, pipes, valves and other equipment
  • Protection à long terme contre l'érosion et la corrosion
  • Excellente résistance chimique à une large gamme de produits chimiques
  • Suitable for contact with potable water
  • Réduction des risques pour la santé et la sécurité car il est sans solvant
  • Application et durcissement à température ambiante – aucun travail à chaud n’est nécessaire
  • Longue durée de vie
  • Excellent bonding to metals including stainless steel, duplex steels, carbon steel, aluminium, cast iron and bronze as well as specialist alloys and other materials


A 2-part epoxy coating designed to improve efficiency of pumps, pipes, valves and other fluid handling equipment while protecting them from the effects of erosion and corrosion. This high performance product is proven to reduce energy consumption, provide excellent chemical resistance and lower maintenance costs. Belzona 1341 (Supermetalglide) improves pump efficiency by using hydrophobic technology to repel process fluids and reduce turbulent flow. Efficiency increases of up to 7% have been recorded on new equipment and up to 20% on refurbished equipment.

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  • Enhancing performance of centrifugal pumps and positive displacement pumps
  • Protecting pump volutes and impellers from erosion and corrosion
  • Internal pipe coatings to increase fluid flow
  • Long-term corrosion protection of tube sheets heat exchangers, water boxes and water tanks
  • Reducing material hang-up in chutes and hoppers
  • Erosion resistant coating for leading edge protection on wind turbine blades.
Belzona 1341 (Supermetalglide) is suitable for contact with potable water as it is certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 and satisfies the UK Drinking Water Inspectorate requirements.
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Spécialisée dans la conception et la fabrication de matériaux composites de réparation et de revêtements protecteurs pour machines, équipements, bâtiments et structures, Belzona offre la solution à une large gamme de problèmes d'ingénierie et de situations de réparation.

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