Apprêt Flexiseal

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This successfully proven primer is the best solution for coating of steel and concrete surfaces to promote adhesion for the Flexi Seal tapes coatings.


FlexiSeal Primer is ideal for corrosion prevention and dielectric protection and is typically used for underground pipework and metal structures, particularly for the coating of welded joints of pipelines for gas, liquid, and water transport.FlexiSeal Primer is based on bitumen modified with rubber and resins to produce a specifically formulated primer for the Flexi Seal range of tapes.

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FlexiSeal Primer will promote adhesion of the Flexi Seal Tape to steel, concrete and plastic. Multiple coats will provide a simple, low flexibility corrosion prevention membrane.
AIWC est une société australienne qui fournit des systèmes de protection et de prévention de la corrosion pour les pipelines et les pieux marins en Australie et dans toute la région Asie-Pacifique.​

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